“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” (Ps.34:10 NKJV).
This message comes to you once and again. That shows that God is interested in your well-being as one of His dear children. The text of this message implies that, though the young lion whose father is the king of animals in the bush may suffer hunger but those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing.
I believe you are one of them and if you are not yet, I think the time has come that you should become one of us.
The scripture is replete with names of those who sought the Lord in their life time and who did not lack any good thing of life. Let me mention some essential necessities of life which those who seek the Lord will not lack, which include clothing, shelter, job, money (to buy what you need, not just what you want) food e.t.c
Those who really seek the Lord will not lack such things. Let me just mention some of the people from the scripture who sought the Lord and did not lack any good thing.
1) Abraham sought the Lord, and God bless him in all things (Gen. 13:1,2;24:1)
2) Job: He was a man who sought the Lord, blameless in his life, and God blessed him so much that he was rated as “the greatest of all the people of the East” (Job 1:1-3)
3) King David who wrote this psalm was one of those who sought the Lord and did not lack any good thing. (I Chro. 29:1-5, 10-18; Ps. 34:10)
4) King Jehoshaphat: He sought the Lord and the Lord prospered him (see IIChro.20:1-30)
5) King Hezekiah was one of them to mention a few. He sought the Lord with all his heart and did not lack any good thing during his reign, because God prospered him (see II Chro. 32:27-33) The above is enough examples to the truth of this message.
To seek the Lord means to search for Him in His word with the purpose of willing to do His will no matter what.
For you to be among recipients of the blessing of no lack of any good thing, you need to do the following:
1. You must accept and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. (Jn.1:11-13)
2. You must repent of your sins to receive forgiveness of your sins and be converted (Acts 2:37,38;3:19)
3. You must be born again into God’s family in order to have the right to receive from God our heavenly Father (John 3:1-8, Rm.8:15-17)
4. You need to obey every known will of God (Deut. 28:1-2; Is.1:19)
5. Seek God with all your heart and you will find Him (Jer.29:13)
6. Love God with all your heart, might, mind and strength. (Mk.12:29-30) We show our love for God by doing what He commands (John 14:23,24)
7. Earnestly seek the Kingdom of God with passion. (Matt. 6:31-34)
8. Pay your tithe that is one-tenth of your gross income regularly. It is God’s portion of your gross income because He is the One who gives you power to have what you possess. (Deut.8:18, Mal.3:10-12)
9. Be a generous and cheerful giver. The giver never lacks. (see Prov. 11:24; IICor. 9:6,7)
10. Finally, study your Bible every day and pray every day in faith. I promise you, you will not lack any good thing if you will do all the above. (see Ps.1:1-3, Jer.17:7,8, Matt. 7:7-10). You will give testimony of what the Lord has done for you, if you will diligently do the points of action above.
Remain blessed in Jesus majestic name. Amen
Prayer Points.
· Thank God that He is able to supply your needs that you will not lack any good thing.
· If you have not been born again, pray to Jesus to come into your heart, believe Him and repent of your sins.
· If you have been born again, ask the Holy Spirit to help you meet the conditions in the message to qualify you as a recipient and thank God for answered prayer.
Pastor (Dr) E. O. Abina
Sunday 24th April, 2016.
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