Saturday 3 May 2014


"WHERE DID YOU BELONG... BELIEVER! CHRISTIAN!! BORN AGAIN!!! John,20v24-29. Act,1v13-15. 15v41-47. John,3v3. 

Just like Thomas, A Believer believes merely on what He sees or heard. A Believer believes in all his or her Church Doctrines, Norms, and Forms. A Believer worshiping God in forms of Idolatry, just because that was what the doctrine says. A Believers Celebrates anything worthy celebrated. During Easter, Christmas, He changed his/her Profile Pictures into Jesus seemingly images, He talked about Christ, but a day after Easter/Christmas, Jesus can never BE found in His life anymore. He believes in what His Churches says rather than what bible says. He believes in His Pastors Gospel that ONCE. He believes in Jesus by a mere Lips Confessions, He is Saved. He believes Sin can not take Him to Hell because Jesus Has paid for His Sin... So, He EATs Sin like puff puff. They are Easily carried away with the World they are not different from the people of the world, they imitates the cultures of the world.  Believers are not found in Heaven. They die in Sin,, Death came Unexpected and found then Unprepared, "too late for them to Repent.

A Christian is someone who reads Bibles, attended almost all Church Services Regularly. Probably telling others about Christ everyday. "not joining the world, and love the world". They knew Friendship to the world is an Enmity to God. They Sinned but easily repented and ask for Grace not to Sin again. When God's word came to them, they do not searched for Matth,7v1 to enabling Sin reigns over them. They do not calling WARNING 'A' JUDGEMENT. They are Eagerly to hear any NEWS about GOD's KINGDOM. Many Christians are not found in Heaven because they are not Spiritually Awakening. They are sometimes a Lukewarm and finally Backslid. 

Born Again, John,3v3. They are found in Heaven. They are always Ready. They are Spiritually Awakening. From the day they have GIVEN their life to Jesus, Sin is no longer reigning in their life. They have Rebirth in the Spirit. They have totally separated themselves from the world any anything that will distracted them or pollute them. They are like Stephen, they sees Jesus and sees Heavenly Host Regularly. They are Spiritually Filled. They are like Joseph, How will I do this, and Sin against God??? They don't work in Hotel, they chooses who to walk with. They are not an Examples of the world, "they are Christ-Followers. Jesus said, "EXCEPT a man is Born Again, He can never see the Kingdom of God.
God's Kingdom is for those who have rebirth themselves in Spirit through the blood of Jesus.

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