Authentic Words:
Quoted Verse: Psalm 119:52
“ I remember Your ancient laws, O Lord, and i find comfort in them. "
Years ago i remember that one time when i was buying a pair of shoes, the sales assistant wanted to see my driver's licence and a major credit card in addition before he could take my personal cheque. After i produced all the identification he wanted, i asked him if he knew why he needed all this. " Its store policy, " he said.
I told him that it was not the real reason, and when he asked me what i meant, i told him, " The reason you need all this identification is Romans 3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. If man was not sinful, you wouldn't need all this. "
Our society is built around the premise that a person's word cannot be trusted. But that is never an issue when we deal with God and His Word.